11th Edition
24-25 May 2018 Pessac (France)

Organizing committee

The organizing committee

From left to right: Léonie Cussol, Thomas Perry, Antoine Amestoy, Sonia Ciudad, Alba Herrero, Antoine Scalabre and Stefano Piccolo. 
Antoine AMESTOY (Communication subcommittee)
Dr. Sonia CIUDAD (Communication subcommittee)
Léonie CUSSOL (Finances subcommittee)
Alba HERRERO (Communication subcommittee)
Thomas PERRY (Logistics subcommittee)
Stefano PICCOLO (Finances subcommittee)
Dr. Clémence RABIN (Communication subcommittee)
Antoine SCALABRE (Logistics subcommittee)


We, PhD students and Postdocs, organize this event once a year besides our scientific work. 

During these 2 days, we are looking for speakers with fascinating topics and careers, in order to facilitate exchange. We want to gather chemistry and biology which are not very far from each other. We manage the general organization of this meeting for which we hope to gather, as the last years, more than 110 participants from all over the world. 

The next meeting will take place May 24th-25th 2018 and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the IECB and Bordeaux. 

We hope you will spend two exciting days together with scientific presentations and discussions encouraging dialogue and networking between young chemists and biologists in the life sciences.

Hope to see you soon!

The organizing committee

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